from partners in the

Calls: calls for grant applications

Calls are regularly published by partners concerning grant applications for projects in which key enabling technologies play an important role. This page highlights a number of calls that focus specifically on the (further) development of key enabling technologies and follows the projects that can be carried out thanks to these grants.

Open calls

Previous calls

NWO call key enabling technologies

The NWO’s call for Key enabling technologies targets the financing of fundamental and application focused scientific research into technological breakthroughs to create economic opportunities for the Netherlands and to contribute to resolving societal challenges.

NWO Next Generation High-Tech Equipment (2022)

The NWO’s call Next Generation High Tech Equipment aims to work on multidisciplinary integration of cyber-physical systems. Consortia of knowledge institutions, public and private partners have submitted project proposals for fundamental and application-oriented research into innovative and breakthrough technologies to optimise system integration of cyber-physical systems. This call originated from the BGP High Tech equipment of the KIA ST.

NWO Key enabling technologies for minimally invasive interventions in healthcare

NWO's Key enabling technologies for minimally invasive interventions in healthcare call focuses on developing smart medical technologies that enable interventions with minimally invasive methods and means and minimise patient collateral damage. The use of key enabling technologies can help improve minimally invasive treatments and reduce collateral damage. This call originated from the BGP MedTech

NWO Emerging key enabling technologies

The Emerging Key Enabling Technologies call provides space for pioneering PPP research on emerging key enabling technologies, aimed at the exploration and development of innovative ideas. An emerging key enabling technology has the potential to develop into a highly impactful technology that can contribute to industrial and/or societal impact in the longer term. These are technologies that show promise in the academic environment and have significant potential for application. This call has been developed in collaboration with the KIA ST.

Call: an opportunity for consortia of knowledge institutions, public and private partners to (partially) fund an innovative project proposal