Knowledge and Innovation Agenda for Key Enabling Technologies

In the KIA ST we connect knowledge institutions, companies and governments, as a driving force for the development of key technologies for all top sectors

KIA ST for our future

Major influence on life, learning and innovation

Key enabling technologies change the way we will live, learn, innovate, work and manufacture in the future. They offer solutions to the social challenges we face and simultaneously make a major contribution to our economy, increase competition and strengthen the labour market.

In the Knowledge and Innovation Agenda Key Enabling Technologies we provide direction for national and international collaborations, build our innovative ecosystem, strengthen networks and co-initiate new platforms. Our shared commitment makes us an important partner in public policy.

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The Knowledge and Innovation Agenda (KIA) Key Enabling Technologies 2024-2027 is online

To KIA ST 2024-2027 (NL) 


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Knowledge and Innovation Agenda (KIA) Key Enabling Technologies 2024-2027

Version october 2023

KIA Key Enabling Technologies

Marc Hendrikse, figurehead of our top sector and chairman of the Key Enabling Technologies theme team, has provided an extensive update on the results achieved and the favorable results for the future of KIA Key Technologies.

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Due to globalisation, innovation processes are moving faster than ever, and responding to this requires a great deal of knowledge and capacity to act. The key enabling technologies in our Knowledge and Innovation Agenda are broadly applicable and always in development. With our current programmes, we respond to their progress.

View the programmes